Students and staff at Calday Grange Grammar School are delighted to be celebrating another year of success with their A Level results. The national media is reporting an overall drop in the number of top grades awarded. Nevertheless, seventeen of our students achieved all A* or A grades. The school’s A*-E pass rate was over 98%, with 52% of grades awarded at A*-B.

Headteacher, Mr Stephen Gray, commented:
“As always, I am very proud of our students and the results that they have achieved. It has been a challenging few years in education and one has to remember that this cohort did not sit GCSE examinations due to the pandemic. Therefore 2023 is a ‘return to normal’. It was great to see so many happy faces when the students collected their results and this is one of the most rewarding parts of the job.
I would like to thank the staff and students for their hard work and parents/carers for their support. These are vital elements in successful outcomes for young people. The class of 2023 now moves on to the next stage, whether that be in higher education or on the apprenticeship route. Whatever their chosen pathway, we wish all of our students the very best and look forward to hearing about their future achievements.”