At Calday Grange Grammar School, Careers is a vital part of the school curriculum. It gives students hope and ambition, providing them with the knowledge to succeed in their future. We encourage and enable students to make and implement well-informed decisions about their next steps in life. 

Our Careers programme is delivered to Years 7-13 with the aim of students gaining as many realistic and engaging opportunities as possible during their time at our school, which will allow them realise their true potential. Our careers programme, includes dedicated lessons as part of our Personal Development curriculum, one to one guidance interviews, a yearly careers fair, apprenticeship seminars, mock careers interviews, work experience, enterprise day and guest speakers; plus, targeted activities both inside and outside of school. Additionally, students have opportunities to visit an array of higher education establishments. 

Pupils, parents and staff also have access to the ‘Unifrog’ platform which is used to help students make the best choices and submit their strongest applications. 

Calday Grange Grammar School is part of the Liverpool City Region Careers Hub and is committed to working towards the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.

Our Vision

We guide our pupils to develop the aspirations, confidence and determination to progress with their chosen career path. Pupils should leave Calday Grange Grammar School as ambitious young adults and manage change successfully.

Careers Advice

Pupils will have the opportunity to meet our Careers Advisor at key stages in their school life. During this meeting, students can discuss their ideas for the future, explore the range of options available to them after they leave school and plan for their next steps. Pupils can expect advice and guidance that is personalised and impartial. 

To request a Careers Appointment, please complete the Google Form

Contact Information

Careers education, information and guidance at our school is coordinated by our Personal Development Coordinator, Mr S J. Connell and Head of Sixth Form, Mr R. Hayes. If you have any queries regarding our careers programme, please contact or call 0151 625 2727

We monitor and measure the impact of our careers programme using various methods and review our programme every year to ensure it is meaningful and caters for all students.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support secondary schools and colleges in providing students with the best possible Career’s education, information, advice and guidance.


A stable careers programme


Encounters with employers and employees


Learning from career and labour market information


Experiences of workplaces


Address the needs of each pupil


Encounters with further and higher education


Linking curriculum learning to careers


Personal guidance

How do we measure up?

View our latest reports showing how we measure up to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks 

Useful Links


Unifrog brings into one place every undergraduate university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities, such as School Leaver Programmes, MOOCs and every college at Oxford and Cambridge. You can also explore exciting opportunities further afield by looking at English-taught undergraduate programmes available in Europe and the USA.

MPloy Solutions

Careers Advice, Work Experience and Employer Engagement related services are available remotely and face to face for the start of the academic year with all services Covid-19 compliant.


This is the website that all students will use to apply to higher education. All courses are listed and can be searched by subject and region.

The standard offer requirement profile for any course is available here, there are also links to specific higher education institution websites.

National Careers Service

Offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice with telephone and face-to-face advice to help you plan your future.

Student Finance England

The Student Finance calculator gives an indication of what might be available to you for student loans and grants in England, as well as scholarship and bursary information for your place of study.

Informed Choices

The Informed Choices document is produced by the Russell Group and indicates the requirements for degree courses at RG universities. Students need to check that their choice of subjects at AS/A2 level is consistent with their future career aspirations.

Health Careers

The new Health Careers website brings together the very best careers information from across health. It provides information on some of the 350 roles available along with real-life stories and videos of staff. There is also a course finder which lists more than 1,000 courses leading to a career in health.

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