Curriculum Vision and Implementation

“To nurture happy, healthy young people who have the knowledge, academic achievement and strength of character to lead safe and successful lives in the modern world, preparing them for their next steps in education or employment with a thirst for lifelong learning”

Highest academic expectations

The PD programme underpins our whole-school commitment to developing students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through a broad and balanced curriculum. Students experience a range of age-related lessons, where they engage in discussions, pair/group work as well as building literacy skills.

Succeed in their chosen pathway

The careers provision as part of the PD programme is carefully planned and sequenced. It offers students the opportunity to explore future possibilities and ‘dream big’.

Ambition and preparation for life beyond education

PD equips students for life beyond school, arming them with the knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. Additionally, students develop their target-setting skills and it encourages them to make informed choices about their education, employment or training.

Individual responsibility and respect

The subject reinforces the rights and responsibility of the individual, to empower decision-making and celebrating individuality. 

Academically challenging, ambitious and stimulating curriculum

Students are required to debate and discuss topical issues, considering the moral implications of their actions and how consequences can affect society as a whole.

A modern education

The PD programme enables all students to understand the demands and expectations of modern society outside of a domestic and academic environment. Lessons encourage students to think about present behaviours and what they can do to make informed choices about their future. 

Develop strength of character and resilience

The PD programme teaches students how to recognise and manage risk, make safer choices, and recognise when pressure from others threatens their personal safety and wellbeing. 

Extra curricular diet and personal development opportunities

Students have opportunities to extend the skills and attributes developed in lessons through a variety of opportunities such as Mock Careers Interviews (Y10/12) and Work Experience (Y12).

Cultural capital

Students learn about the diverse national, regional and religious identities in the United Kingdom and the need for mutual respect and understanding. This helps develop their critical thinking skills. 

Personal and professional excellence and realising potential

We regularly share knowledge, ideas and resources within the department, with partnering schools and on online forums. External visitors enhance and extend the PD programme, plus providing an outside perspective.

Success and achievement

Students’ effort and success is highlighted through the use of rewards such as achievement points and VISAs. Additionally, praise and Head Teacher Award nominations may be implemented by Form Tutors. 

True to subjects core content and concepts

The intended impact of our PD curriculum is to develop socially confident individuals who are emotionally resilient as well as financially and digitally literate. 

Skills to flourish in the modern world

The subject encourages students to be responsible, well-rounded and global citizens, who have the confidence to make the most of all the opportunities that life has to offer and motivation to follow their own passions and beliefs.

Future leaders with courage and integrity

The vision of the PD programme is that all students strive to be the best they can be, in all settings, at all times. Therefore, preparing them for their desired destination, whichever pathway this may take. 

Learning Journey 

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