Curriculum Vision and Implementation

“The aim of the Maths department is to provide students with all the tools they need to be successful mathematicians. We encourage enjoyment, promote confidence and provide challenges through our teaching and curriculum. Our course builds on prior knowledge and with consistent consolidation we strive to improve retention of key information and processes. With the provision of plenty of online resources and a structured, organised and collaborative approach, the aim for all our students is to inspire them to become focused and independent learners”

Highest academic expectations

Push for highest grades at GCSE and A Level. 20% grade 9, 24% grade 8, 24% grade 7. 14% A*, 46% A

Succeed in their chosen pathway

Vast majority of students achieve grades in line with or exceed their target grade.

Ambition and preparation for life beyond education

We aim for the students to achieve the best of their ability, unlocking their potential with excellent teaching and though provoking problem solving questions.

Individual responsibility and respect

Weekly homework set online for Y7-11, use of resources on Google Drive to aid their independent revision.

Academically challenging, ambitious and stimulating curriculum

Curriculum covers full spectrum of the higher tier and extension and we include extension within our scheme of work to stretch and challenge students.

A modern education

Resources developed to be engaging, problem solving style questions, consistent use of online platforms such as Google Drive, Google Classroom, MathsWatch, MyMaths, MEI Integral, YouTube videos.

Develop strength of character and resilience

Drop in support sessions available for students to analyse their strengths and areas for improvement.

Extra curricular diet and personal development opportunities

Students in Set 1 and Further Maths take part in UKMT Challenges with many qualifying for the additional extra rounds.

Cultural capital

Modelling and advocating an inclusive culture within the department and lessons, celebrating maths techniques and concepts that have developed through the ages have come from ideas from across the globe.

Personal and professional excellence and realising potential

Everyone can achieve, HPL philosophy, use of SEND techniques and IEPs for individuals.

Success and achievement

Emails sent home to reward those who are near the top of the class, striving for top grades at GCSE and A Level, discussions with students and parents about choice of tier at GCSE.

True to subjects core content and concepts

Key concepts and techniques covered for algebra, number, ratio and proportion, statistics, shape including extension within these areas.

Skills to flourish in the modern world

Mathematically fluent across many key concepts with links to real world contexts.

Future leaders with courage and integrity

Advocate and encourage independence, curiosity, resilience, taking risks, challenging oneself and not being afraid of starting again.

Learning Journey 


Sample Topic Overview Sheets

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