Curriculum Vision and Implementation

“Law is a subject that none of us can avoid in our everyday lives. It considers the judicial processes in place which allow disputes to be resolved and looks at how the law influences society’s values and deals with ethical issues such as the relationship between law and morality. Knowledge of the law can give people more control over their lives and more confidence in their dealings with others. Studying law helps students to develop a strong vocabulary, excellent evaluative and research skills and the ability to analyse and solve legal problems.”

Highest academic expectations

Encouraging students to strive and show tenacity to improve their subject knowledge and test scores.

Succeed in their chosen pathway

Encouraging students to be resilient and develop a strong work ethic; supporting students to develop transferable practical skills such as analysis and debate.

Ambition and preparation for life beyond education

Requiring students to work on their own initiative and show tenacity to solve problems.

Individual responsibility and respect

Self reflection tasks, expecting students to maintain a high degree of organisation, take a pride in their work and be respectful in class.

Academically challenging, ambitious and stimulating curriculum

Using a variety of challenging tasks to help students to acquire and apply key skills; encourage students to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ by requiring them to contribute to discussions, debates and group tasks.

A modern education

The use of technology in the curriculum, including e-resources and blended learning via Google Classroom and online tasks ; use of Mote for feedback and dialogue outside the classroom.

Develop strength of character and resilience

To encourage students to keep going when ‘not yet’ there, such as when learning and applying a variety of case law.

Extra curricular diet and personal development opportunities

Bar Mock trials and Primary Law provide a practical experience and enrich learning; links with ‘Dementia Friends’ promotes personal growth through patience and empathy.

Cultural capital

The promotion of wider reading for current issues in Law; discussion of current issues as they arise in lessons especially links to social / moral issues of the day; showing how law can be a force for equality.

Personal and professional excellence and realising potential

Drawing on the professional experience of teaching staff as solicitors; sharing resources; links with other Law departments and teachers, eg. through social media.

Success and achievement

The use of ‘praise postcards’ and Headteacher’s Awards to reward effort and excellence; personal encouragement through positive and constructive feedback and praise.

True to subjects core content and concepts

Designing a curriculum that covers the specification fully whilst providing flexibility to discuss current issues as they arise and also cross-curricular links showing how Law is integral to society.

Skills to flourish in the modern world

Teaching effective research skills and presentation skills, as well as transferable written and verbal skills.

Future leaders with courage and integrity

The importance of equality under the law; justice; key figures in the legal world who have achieved significant legal milestones.

Learning Journey 


Sample Topic Overview Sheets

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