This form is to be completed by the parent BEFORE the period for which leave of absence is requested. Bookings should not be made prior to authorisation.

School attendance data is scrutinised by the DfE annually through the school census and the current level of absenteeism nationally is a cause for concern. In response the DfE has redefined persistent absenteeism as attendance of 90% or below and the government has changed the legislation relating to authorising student absence during term time; the new regulations came in to force in September 2015.

Amendments to the The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 remove references to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days. The amendments make clear that the Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances; in addition schools are increasingly expected to issue Fixed Penalty
Notices to parents who remove their children from school in term time for the purpose of holidays.

Circumstances for which we are unable to grant leave of absence:

  • Leave of absence to attend holidays which overlap term time
  • Leave of absence to attend ‘important’ family celebrations
  • Leave of absence to attend sporting events as a spectator
  • Leave of absence to attend festivals
  • Leave of absence to gain ‘valuable experience’
  • Leave of absence where the student has, or would have if an absence were granted, an attendance of below 85%
  • Leave of absence where the student is on a contract (sixth form) or behaviour plan (years 7-11) (not an exhaustive list)

Examples of exceptional circumstances may include:

  • Circumstances precipitated by health issues directly impacting on the family unit
  • Recognised religious observances
  • Work circumstances restricting annual leave (evidence required)
  • Invitation / event schedule
  • Confirmation of flight change / travel details


Fields marked with * are required

Date/s of Absence (Inclusive)

Please attach any necessary documentation, e.g. Evidence of sporting activity - letter or email from the team/club, or evidence provided by your employer that they cannot accommodate leave during school holidays without serious consequences.
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