With the severe weather this morning there has been lots of travel issues and mixed messages on social media.
We just want to clarify a few points that have been raised.
C1, 2 & 3 – our transport provider has confirmed that all C buses have been operational and in full service.
W Series – our transport provider has confirmed that all W buses have been operational and in full service.
A1 – our transport provider cancelled this route this morning due to staffing issues.
Return Journey this afternoon:
Our transport provider has confirmed that they are planning to run all services (including A1) this afternoon. Should anything change we will keep you updated.
There has been some comments on social media about students who do not attend school today being marked as an unauthorised absence. This is completely untrue.
If any students are unable to make it to school today due to the adverse weather conditions, then parents/carers should report the absence using the usual absence reporting method.
Your child will then be marked as ‘C’ on the register. This means that their absence has been authorised under exceptional circumstances.
Any students who arrive late to school today due to the delays will be marked a present and a late mark will not be recorded.
Online Learning
For those who are unable to make it into school today, please check your Google Classrooms for work that has been set by your teachers.
We hope this explanation helps clarify any misunderstandings and addresses some of the social media remarks that may have contributed to the confusion.
We will keep you updated on a further developments via email, through our website and the schools social media accounts.