In a remarkable display of advocacy and legal acumen, students from our school participated in the esteemed Bar Mock National Competition, which took place at the iconic Royal Courts of Justice in Central London on Saturday, 16th March. Competing against other regional champions from across the United Kingdom, our team demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication.
The competition was structured over three challenging rounds where our students tackled complex legal issues. In Round One, they faced off against Calthorpe Park School, taking on the prosecution in the case of R v Hynes, which centred on the new laws regarding public assembly and protest. The second round saw them in defence against Truro and Penwith College in the case of R v Newton, which dealt with issues of computer misuse. The final round had our students switch sides in R v Hynes to defend, this time against Northampton School for Boys.
Although our team did not clinch the national title, they performed admirably and received extensive praise from the judges for their persuasive arguments and professional demeanour. The feedback from actual judges who presided over the cases highlighted the depth of our team’s preparation and their poised courtroom manner.
Special accolades were awarded to Ryan S and Oscar L, who acted as Defence Barristers in the second round’s R v Newton. Their outstanding performance earned them recognition as the best performing barristers of that round—a significant honour given the high calibre of the competing schools.
This experience has not only provided our students with a unique opportunity to engage with real-world legal challenges but also highlighted the strength and potential of our future legal minds. The school community is immensely proud of their achievements and looks forward to seeing what these promising young barristers will accomplish next.