Step 1
An application can be made for a place at Calday in Years 7-11 at any time outside the normal admission schedule. In all instances, applications are to be made via the Wirral Local Authority.
Step 2
Once the Wirral LA has processed your application, it will be forwarded to our Admissions Team. An invite to our testing session and further information regarding the assessment will then be emailed to you.
Our testing sessions take place periodically throughout the academic year. They generally take place between 9:30am and 11:30am.
The test evaluates Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Spatial Reasoning.
Step 3
The criteria for entry into Calday Grange Grammar School is a Verbal Reasoning score of 118 or higher.
Students who achieve the qualifying score threshold will be offered a place if a vacancy exists in the year group. If no vacancy exists, then students who meet the entry requirements will be placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be in line with the published oversubscription criteria in our Admissions Policy and you will be notified if a place becomes available.
Step 4
If your son has been offered a place at Calday, our Admin Team will contact you to arrange their admission.
To discuss in-year applications with the Wirral Local Authority, please contact Mainstream Admissions:
Telephone: 0151 606 2020
Fax: 0151 666 4450
By Post: PO Box 290 Brighton Street, Wallasey, CH27 9FQ
If you have any questions in relation to in-year admission testing, please contact our Admissions Team: