Welcome to our designated support page. Here you will find everything you need!
If you have any queries please get in contact with Mrs Vicki Storey – vicki.storey@calday.co.uk

Alder Hey CAMHS crisis care line
Children and young people, parents and carers in crisis can call 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0151 293 3577 or freephone 0808 196 3550. Text support service called SHOUT on 85258

Child line
Ring 0800 1111: Free phone service available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people up to the age of 18-years-old. It’s there to help any young person who is going through a tough time or needs to talk to someone. Free and confidential helpline for children & young people about any worry they may have.

The Lowdown
A teenager health site; the ‘Mind’ section offers information and advice about common mental health conditions and dealing with difficult feelings; plus lots of tips on how to stay happy and well.

Information and advice to those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions. The site contains information on organisations, services and various self-help guides covering conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic and sleep problems that can offer support, advice and information.

My mind
The CWP CAMHS webpage developed for anyone interested in the mental health & well-being of children and young.

NHS Self Help
A teenager health site; the ‘Mind’ section offers information and advice about common mental health conditions and dealing with difficult feelings; plus lots of tips on how to stay happy and well.

Preventing Suicide
A teenager health site; the ‘Mind’ section offers information and advice about common mental health conditions and dealing with difficult feelings; plus lots of tips on how to stay happy and well.

Young Minds
UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Provide expert knowledge to professionals, parents and young people through the Parents’ Helpline, online resources, training and development, outreach work and publications. Helpline Number: 0808 802 5544 (9.30am -4.00pm, Mon-Fri). Young Minds crisis Messenger – Text: YM to 85258

Helpline run by young people for young people aged 11-19 years who would prefer to speak to another young person in confidence about their worries and concerns.

www.kooth.com (11-25 years)
An online counselling service that provides users with a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way to ask for help or talk through their issues. Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm, Saturday – Sunday 6pm – 10pm.

The Open Door Centre
Provide Mental Health Support for young people free of charge. Also offers music and art provision. Free and immediate access to Computerised Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CCBT), face-to-face counselling and meditation/mindfulness for those wishing to improve concentration and relieve stress. Address: Bloom Building, Birkenhead Industrial Park, 3 Abbey Close, Birkenhead CH41 5FQ. Tel: 0151 639 4545.

Teen Mental Health – A Guide for Parents
Helpline run by young people for young people aged 11-19 years who would prefer to speak to another young person in confidence about their worries and concerns.
Mental Health Apps
Get in touch
Smilingmind – Meditation
Chillpanda – Meditation
CALM – Meditation
Moodlytics – Mood Diary
Sleepio – Sleep
sworkit – Exercise
Healthy Minds
calm harm
Beyond blue
distrACT app